
John Deacon Adorna

In our family, we celebrate our christmas by securing that our family is complete in christmas day. Even though there's only small amount of food, that's not important. The important is our family is complete in the exact christmas day. But now, there is a pandemic. It is very hard for us to celebrate with complete family. But we'll do our best to make that happen. Because I believed that when our family is complete during the christmas day, we will feel the spirit of christmas. That's why spending your time with your family is very important. Filipinos are very happy every christmas. Because that's the time that they can enjoy or spend their time with their family. That is how we celebrate our Christmas.




Deldrics Bahinting

I can celebrate the christmas with my family to make safety and go to church every Christmas mass. Also we have a small celebration on Christmas like nuche nuena, we hope that day we are happy and good health also we always face the problem. We cannot ge tired anymore because family is forever we can hold out and we can success.

家族と一緒にクリスマスのお祈りにいきます。クリスマスにはnuche nuena などのセレモニーをおこないます。いつも問題をかかえているので、このクリスマスの日には幸せで健康でありたいです。家族はいつも一緒にいて、その絆でこの先を切り開いていくもの、もう疲れてはいられません。




How We Celebrate our Christmas In this Christmas day we celebrate this coming of our Jesus and we also celebrate the birthday of my brother his name is Jayson.Last Christmas we celebrated it with my father we go to the Mandaue City Jail to celebrate the Christmas but suddenly during this year 2020 we canno't celebrate Christmas with our father.I also wish this Christmas this pandemic end and finish during this pandemic we cannot meet or enjoy our friends and Family.We want to celebrate Christmas with my father and having fun with the special man that always protect us and love.




Donna Grace Samson

As we all know that Christmas is the day that our Lord Jesus Christ was born. We are usually celebrating christmas with our family and giving some gifts with each other and do carolings but pandemic happened.Maybe we can celebrate but not as what we used to do before pandemic happen. We will celebrate our Christmas by decorating some christmas decors in our house and go to church wearing mask and face shield and stay at home with my family because we cant have any Christmas Party because of this pandemic. So we cant celebrate our Christmas as what we used to do because of this pandemic and we should not risk our health by disobeying our safety and health protocols.The best gift for this Christmas is that we are healthy and safe..

