

Xylen-Jyen 大学生

コロナ禍でほぼ3年間の通学できない期間はつらかったです。正直言って学校の授業や活動をオンラインですることは体力が無くなり、気持も緩んでしまいます。まるで鉄格子のない四角の部屋に閉じ込められているような気になります。 でも、やっとこの長い苦しみから解放されました。いまは通学が再開し、ほぼ以前の生活に戻りました。




元奨学生 サイレンジェン

Being at home for almost three years is tiring. In all honesty, doing classes and activities at home makes our bodies weaker and lazier. It is like we are locked up without the bars but instead in these four large walls in our homes. But the long-suffering is over because now we can go outside, and in fact, they have resumed face-to-face classes, and almost everything is back to normal.

Having face-to-face classes now is not the traditional face-to-face classes we used to have. Now, campuses tighten their protocols and security for the student's safety. Some of these protocols are that you cannot go inside the campus without a mask, and your body temperature must be checked by the guard assigned. Moreover, the prices are on the rise, especially the travel fees, which has caused students to have difficulties budgeting the allowance given. Almost everything on the market goes up in price.

It was great having face-to-face classes, though I was a bit worried for the reason that online classes are not that effective; I had the feeling that I had just wasted all those years and did not learn anything. Compared to face-to-face classes where students can listen attentively to the class and can do the laboratory at school, given the major I studied, I prefer face-to-face classes. It is understandable why they choose to have an online class; a pandemic occurs, and everyone's safety must be prioritized.

We are hoping that we won't encounter that kind of nightmare again. Losing access to everything and feeling hopeless every time we open our eyes early in the morning. The pandemic has caused a lot of pain to everyone, especially to students like me. It feels like a total shutdown and a shocking translation of happenings we experienced years ago.

Former EMS Scholar
